User Experience (UX) Security

Balancing Friction & Security

UX security refers to the practice of designing secure user interfaces and experiences. Security UX design builds trust by balancing usability and security-induced friction. Risk-aware UX helps to protect sensitive information. It proves that security and usability can co-exist.

The following articles give examples of how to build trust through UX security.

Breaking Barriers: Empowering Your Login System with Long Password Support

Breaking Barriers: Empowering Your Login System with Long Password Support

Discover why supporting long passwords is crucial in today's digital landscape, the benefits of increased password entropy, and practical tips to smoothly implement these changes. Stay ahead of cyber threats and foster user trust with a fortified login system. Dive in and break the barriers to a more secure future!

Striking the Perfect Balance: How to Design a Strong Password Policy That's User-Friendly & Effective

Striking the Perfect Balance: How to Design a Strong Password Policy That's User-Friendly & Effective

In this article, I’ll explore the key components of a strong password policy based on state-of-the-art research and provide practical tips for striking a balance between security and usability.

Weak Crypto in Google Cloud Platform, Github SAML Attack & Twitter Security UX

Weak Crypto in Google Cloud Platform, Github SAML Attack & Twitter Security UX

Want to use JWT for password-reset or email activation? Turn app state into HMAC-keys to guarantee one-time use of JWTs! This is how it works …